Ways to Utilize your Email Campaign

So your email campaign has gone out. Now what?

You can wait for the phone to ring or get cracking on sharing to your other channels!

See Opens and Clicks in Real-Time

In your account, you can watch the pins drop as your subscribers open and click the campaign?

Useful? Probably not. Fun to watch? Definitely!


Forward to 5 People

Forward to a friend

Sharing buttonsUse the sharing button at the bottom of every campaign to forward it to 5 people who are not in your list and ask if they’d like to join. It’s better to use the button that to click “Forward” from within your email client software because:

  1. The share is recorded in the reports
  2. The email campaign retains its integrity, having been sent again from the system rather than your client
  3. It’s easy to forward to 5 people at once rather than 5 separate
  4. Once you do this, you can let your customers know how to do it correctly
  5. They see the 3 other sharing tools for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

See Who Opens and Clicks


The reports tell you a lot: open rates are great but clicks are the best! You can see WHO clicks WHICH link then create a special segment to re-send specific information just to those who clicked a link. Or wait a week and contact them… just don’t tell them you know what they did!

Create Segments

You can create segments from your lists such as location (distance-based), gender, birthday, or even date subscribed. Once you have that, you can re-send specific campaigns to just them.

Segments geographic

Share the Web Page Archive

At the top of every campaign is a “No Images? Click here” link, which sends you to a web page to see the campaign in a broswer.

Copy that web address URL and paste it into a social media post (or send in an email) with a comment: “Check out our latest email news!”

Click here

Add an Archive to your Website

Our tool has easy code to add to a web page, which ailll autmatically display your email newsletters.

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Have fun and start sharing!

Paul Mycroft

Having emigrated from south London, England, Paul has moved between cities in North America, building a loyal following since starting the business back in 2002. Many US and Canadian clients are with him today who were there from day one.