They say that a good craftsman knows his tools. Do you know all of yours in our Editor and use them in creative and surprising ways? Well-positioned links and options can make life easy for your subscribers.
Make sure you add a link to your headlines or even add personalization, [insert name here].
Lower down in the editor, most of these tools are pretty obvious such as bold, italics, alignment (L – C – R), colour selector, and size options.
And then there is the two list options:
- Bullet
- Numbered
However, one click on the “Insert” button and you enter a new world of personalization and options. You can add any of these in the middle of text blocks to surprise someone or give them options outside of the usual placement.
[accordion title=”Links” is_open=”no”]Highlight the text then add a link to a web page.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”Personalization” is_open=”no”]You can add name, email, or even today’s date![/accordion]
[accordion title=”Quick Links” is_open=”no”]Make it easy for your subscribers. In the middle of news copy, add:
- Forward to a Friend
- Preference Center
- Unsubscribe
- Web version
[accordion title=”Social Sharing” is_open=”no”]And don’t forget to [LIKE] or [TWEET] this news to your friends.[/accordion]
Lastly, for your code geeks (we are), the “Source” button lets you clean your code up.