Preparing for a WordPress Website

Get Ready to be in Control of Growing your Business!

The website that we mostly provide to customers is powered by the popular Content Management System (CMS) called WordPress (see As outstanding and empowering as it is, it is important to prepare yourself for new challenges and potential pitfalls.

  • An ability to navigate around your computer and organize files is required. Experience with social media is a plus.
  • A basic knowledge of image types (e.g. JPEGs, GIF) and image pixel resolutions.
  • An ability to format text (e.g. bold, italics, bullet points, headlines).
  • Be prepared to purchase the Akismet plugin (Business: $5/month; Personal: $0-$120/year) to protect blog from spam comments. It can happen.
  • Keep WordPress and plugins updated when available; don’t let a security issue arise because something was not updated.
  • WordPress is an excellent CMS but requires updating to maintain security and improvements as they are released. WordPress itself and its plugins can be updated for no charge from within your Dashboard but your theme will need to be periodically updated manually by a professional. We are happy to do that for a fee.
  • Don’t let it stagnate. Add useful content to your website and keep developing it on a regular basis. It is an integral part of your business and how people perceive you online or find you. Impress customers with your knowledge and become an authority in your field. Google is watching!

If you use the blog feature in WordPress, be consistent, compelling, inspiring. Be unique.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We are happy to help.

Your journey starts here.

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Posted in

Paul Mycroft

Having emigrated from south London, England, Paul has moved between cities in North America, building a loyal following since starting the business back in 2002. Many US and Canadian clients are with him today who were there from day one.


  1. David Hall on February 23, 2013 at 12:34 am

    Having started the journey and generally handling the updating of website information well I have found it difficult to create new photo albums in our photo gallery. Going to YouTube for tutorials is a great visual way to learn. Unfortunately the YouTube tutorials that I have discovered that relate to uploading photos show me a different menu screen to the one that we have for our version of WordPress. Could you direct me to a tutorial for creating photo albums that is relative to the WordPress version that we are working with.

  2. Paul Mycroft on March 1, 2013 at 4:24 pm

    Hi David,

    We have sent you directions for adding a photo album to your specific theme, which is a different way to do it than the standard WordPress method.

    It can certainly be a challenge to find YouTube tutorials for newly-released WordPress versions but in time, they do appear.

    In the meantime, we are happy to help and continue to support the iYRA.